Assata Mwokozi awakens on a merchant ship heading for the Hodari Slums via the Zebezi River. She and her traveling companions feel a reluctant peace after successfully escaping from their twisted elemental pursuant. However, unbeknownst to them, someone far more notorious watches from afar...
Meanwhile in the Hodari Slums, Aybel Ani listens to a strange voice and attempts to steal a War Horn worn by an Herbs & Potions customer of his mother, Afeni. Should he achieve this thievery, Aybel’s next step is into the dark Mouth of Wisdom.
Signed with 11 x 17 inch
print of cover
Cover printed on 100# glossy card stock - Interior pages printed on 80# glossy stock
Bagged in RESEALABLE poly bags with backing boards.
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Limited Edition Assata Cover!
*Shipping costs & tax amount not reflected in prices. Please read terms below
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LIMITED EDITION Wizard World Comic Con New Orleans Exclusive Preview of Issue 2
(Available while supplies last)
Cover printed on 100# glossy card stock - Interior pages printed on 60# stock
Bagged in RESEALABLE poly bags with backing boards.
Black & White Interior
*Shipping costs & tax amount not reflected in prices. Please read terms below
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